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Testing WD Gann Theory with Stock Market Crash November 21, 2019 |
HiWD Gann Stock Market WarningI'm back and welcome to another issue of brainyforex newsletter. Thought you might like a WD Gann theory warning. If you want to see if Gann's charting techniques really work then have a read of this article posted on the site today 21 November 2019. If Mr Gann were still alive he would be warning of a potential stock market crash approaching about now or very soon. The same techniques apply to forex markets too. I also look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subject in the comments section on the bottom of the article here Till next time Regards Fritz Gewerth PS - Spread the word about "Blowing the lid off scammers!" To contact me, please use the contact form on brainyforex instead of replying to this email newsletter. Contact me here. |
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