Richard Cox's Articles

Richard Cox Finance Writer

Richard Cox is a university teacher in international trade and finance. Lessons in macroeconomics and price behavior in equity markets.

He writes  for, TheStreet, Seeking Alpha and the Motley Fool.

Investing strategies in these articles are based on technical and fundamental analysis of all the major asset classes (stock indices, currencies, and commodities).

Trade ideas are generally suggestive of time horizons of one to six months.

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Starting with Realistic Expectations when Daytrading Forex Not rated yet
Starting with Realistic Expectations when Daytrading Forex What most traders fail to realize is that the first mistakes of forex trading happen even …

Breakouts, Swing Trades, and Trend Positions Not rated yet
Most traders tend to identify with a single strategy because this makes it easier to approach the market on a daily basis. Three of the most common approaches …

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